The Antcyclopedia – Ant Identification

Portland OR, Vancouver WA

Welcome to our “Antcyclopedia” page! Here we have an alphabetical list of some of the more common types of ants here in the North and North West, as well as roughly how many species are within that genus of ant.

Aphaenogaster – funnel ants
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 30 species

Brachymyrmex– rover ants
Widespread across N. America
With 5 species

Camponotus – carpenter ants
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 50 species

Camponotus consobrinus – sugar ant
The most widespread and abundant across N. America
Many different species fall into this category of house ant.

Crematogaster – acrobat ants / valentine ant
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 30 species

Formica – field ants, thatch-mound ants, wood ants, mound ants
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 100 species

Lasius – black garden ant
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 40 species

Common in colder climates across northern N. America and mountainous regions in the west
With roughly 10 species

Liometopum – velvety tree ants (get name due to their velvety black abdomens)
Common in southwest and along west coast
With roughly 3 species

Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 15 species

Myrmica – red ant, European fire ant
Widespread and abundant in cooler regions of N. America
With roughly 70 species

Nylanderia – a type of crazy ant (tawny crazy ant, small crazy ant, Caribbean crazy ant)
Widespread across continent
With roughly 20 species

Pogonomyrmex – harvester ants
Abundant in western states, one species in Southeast
With roughly 25 species

Solenopsis – fire ants, thief ants
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 40 species

Common but inconspicuous across continent
With roughly 20 species

Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 5 species

Temnothorax – acorn ants
Widespread and abundant across N. America
With roughly 50 species

Veromessor – harvester ants
Common in western North America, especially California
With roughly 9 species

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